• Plot L7197 Lusaka West Off Mumbwa Road
  • +260 977758706

EPADG is a network of former Parliamentarians from different African countries who are dedicated to building democracy and want to contribute their experience as former parliamentarians to building credible elections on the continent. EPADG is a non-governmental organization

Governing Board

  1. There shall be a Governing Board that shall provide advisory services to the management of the organization. The Governing Board shall oversee EPADG operations and decision-making processes. The governing Board shall be responsible for setting strategic directions, approving policies, and supervising the activities of the Organization.
  2. The Board shall be composed of not less than five (5) and not more than 10 members with the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Treasurer and Committee members or any other position that the Board or organization may create.
  • The organization shall identify various professionals in different sectors of the economy and request them to serve on the board.
  1. Board members shall serve for five years renewable on availability of the members.
  2. The Board shall receive annual and financial reports from management for approval and advisory purposes.
  3. The Board shall be the policy making body of the organization and provide policy direction and guidance to the management of the organization.
  • All programmes to be undertaken by the organization will be approved by the board through annual work plans and budgets.
  • The Board shall appoint a Patron of the Organisation from among the highly distinguished Emeritus Parliamentarians.


EPADG shall establish a management office which shall be headed by the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization.

Under the office of the Executive Director, there shall be other officers that shall support the day to day running of the organization. Among other positions that will be created based on need, the following positions have been identified; Administration Manager, Operations Manager, Accountant and Administration Officer.

The Management will implement the policies of the Advisory board in line with the objectives of the organization. Management will report to the board on a quarterly basis during board meetings or on such times as the board may determine.

Duties of Office Bearers

The Governing Board shall be composed of not less than 5 and not more than 10 members;


  1. a) President
  2. b) Vice President
  3. c) Secretary General
  4. d) Deputy Secretary General
  5. e) Treasurer General
  6. f) Members


4.1. Duties of the Board President


4.1.1.  Shall through the Secretary call for board meetings

4.1.2.  Shall preside over all board meetings (In his absence, the Vice President or any other member chosen during a particular meeting shall chair the meeting)

4.1.3. Shall be one of the signatories to the bank account and financial expenditures;

4.1.4. Appoint chairpersons of the Board Sub- Committees

4.1.5 Appoint the Vice President of the Organisation.

4.1.5. Shall provide overall leadership of the organization

4.1.6   The Board President shall hold office for a renewable term of 5 years.


4.2. Functions of the Treasurer General


4.2.1.  Shall support the timely preparation of annual financial reports by management of EPADG

4.2.2. Shall provide technical support to management to ensure that all financial procedures are followed during the implementation of programmes

4.2.3. Shall ensure that financial reports for the organization are audited.

4.2.4. Shall be one of the signatories to the EPADG bank accounts.


4.3. Functions of Secretary General


4.3.1. Shall prepare the agenda and call for board meetings on behalf of the President.

4.3.2. Shall ensure that meetings of the board take place as scheduled and on regular intervals

4.3.3. Shall keep a proper record of minutes of all board meetings and ensure that the distribution of such minutes to all the board members is done in time.

4.3.4. Shall support the Secretariat/Management in ensuring proper and accurate record keeping