• Plot L7197 Lusaka West Off Mumbwa Road
  • +260 977758706

Board Members

Shall attend board meetings and participate in decision making. The number will vary depending on the obtaining situation at any given time.

  1. Tenure of Office of Board Members


5.1     The Members of the Board, except the founding Board,  shall serve on the Board for a renewable period of five (5) years.

5.2     The Governing Board members shall be elected by the Organization’s members through a democratic and transparent process as outlined in the Organization’s bylaws.

5.3     Notwithstanding any other clause in this constitution, the founding executive shall execute their responsibilities for a period of 10 years afterwhich elections shall be held every 5 years.


  1. Meetings


The Board shall meet on a quarterly basis (four times in a year). The meetings shall be called by the President through the Secretary General. Notice of not less than 28 days shall be given for a scheduled quarterly meeting. Emergency or extraordinary meeting can be called by the President on varying circumstances of need with at least 14 days’ notice.


  1. Quorum at Board meetings


The quorum requirement for a Board meeting to take place shall be 50% plus one-member present (more than 50% of the members should be present).


  1. Decision Making


A decision of the Board on any question shall be determined by a simple majority of the members present with voting rights. In the event of equality of votes, the President shall have a casting vote in addition to their deliberative vote.


  1. Discipline


There shall be developed a Code of Conduct for Board Members. All members will be expected to abide by the provisions of the Code of Conduct. It shall contain guidelines on how Board members should conduct themselves as well as proceedings of Board meetings. Penalties will also be contained in the Code of Conduct. Another Code of Conduct will also be developed for Management.


  1. Membership



10.1 Membership shall be by invitation and by application for membership and shall be open to former members of parliament of African countries who share the commitment to uphold democratic values and support the mission of the Organization.


10.2 Members shall be men and women of proven intergrity, without any record of imprisonment or conviction of a criminal offence such as of corruption. Members shall not belong to any political party and must have no intentions of holding parliamentary office.


10.3    The Board may confer honorary membership on distinguished individuals.


10.4    Members shall take oath of commitment to the values of the organization.


10.5    Members shall be required to pay a membership fee.


10.5 Members of the Organization have the right to participate in decision-making processes, receive relevant information, and contribute to the Organization’s activities. Members are expected to actively engage in the work of the Organization, adhere to its principles, and fulfill assigned responsibilities.


10.6 Membership may be terminated by resignation, expulsion for just cause, or by a decision of the Organization’s governing body, taken in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Organization’s bylaws.

Board Members

Shall attend board meetings and participate in decision making. The number will vary depending on the obtaining situation at any given time


Decision Making